Depuis Quimperlé, il est possible de descendre en canoë-kayak la Laïta.
Mennozh deuet er-maez : E Kayak e Kemperle

Idea for a day: Kayaking in Quimperlé

Logo Bretagne

Throughout the summer, the Quimperlé Canoe-Kayak Club is offering you the chance to swap your hiking boots for paddles for a trip on the water! With its mix of nature, heritage and history, this water-based tour will give you a whole new perspective on the town of Quimperlé...

An open-air excursion

For young and old, beginners and experts alike, the guides from the Quimperlé canoe-kayak club will be on hand to help you discover the ria de la Laïta... Between the wooded, pastoral valley floor, where a peaceful atmosphere reigns, and a confluence rich in heritage, this walk will be a veritable condensed experience of (re)discovery, pleasure and relaxation!

Depuis Quimperlé, il est possible de descendre en canoë-kayak la Laïta.

The basic kit for river kayaking

For an even more enjoyable trip, we've got all the tips you need:

  • hiking gear (you'll probably end up getting wet)
  • a cap and sun cream if the weather's fine
  • a k-way if it's raining
  • a water bottle and a small snack to keep you going after the walk
  • a change of clothes to keep dry after the walk
  • be 7 years old and know how to swim
Depuis Quimperlé, il est possible de descendre en canoë-kayak la Laïta.

We meet at the Saint-Nicolas water sports centre in Quimperlé, where we start by getting kitted out: boat, paddles, lifejacket and helmet! Waterproof canisters are also available.

A mix of contemplation and adrenalin

Once equipped, the instructors take us by mini-bus 2 kilometres upstream from Quimperlé, to the base of the motte! The tour begins on the River Ellé, with 1 to 2 hours of heritage-filled discoveries...

As soon as you start paddling, you'll spot the first mills: the Moulin de la Mothe, the Moulin des Gorrêts... which are accompanied by a brief history of the development of the town of Quimperlé around water and the economic activities generated by the mills.

A little further on, it's time to cross the Gorrêts dam for a touch of adrenalin! Don't worry if you're a bit nervous, there's a fish pass so you can get through without a hitch...

Depuis Quimperlé, il est possible de descendre en canoë-kayak la Laïta.

You then glide along the lower town of Quimperlé. There's plenty of time for contemplation as you pass under some remarkable sights: the wash-house, the flower-bedecked bridge, the dovecote of the Sainte-Croix abbey church...

You then reach the Laïta, where the Isole and Ellé rivers meet, and continue downstream towards the Saint-Nicolas meadow. You'll marvel at the sight of the White Church as you listen to the instructors talk about the development of religious congregations in Quimperlé, and the flora and fauna that live off the river.

Depuis Quimperlé, il est possible de descendre en canoë-kayak la Laïta.
  • Depuis Quimperlé, il est possible de descendre en canoë-kayak la Laïta.
  • Depuis Quimperlé, il est possible de descendre en canoë-kayak la Laïta.
  • Depuis Quimperlé, il est possible de descendre en canoë-kayak la Laïta.

For the more adventurous...

The CKCQ offers another way for children to discover river kayaking: half-day courses are held every morning with an introduction and games such as sparrowhawk... Duration: 2 hours.

Finally, the CKCQ can also take you out to sea with a guide as far as Le Pouldu...

  • Introduction to kayaking with a trip adapted to the pace of the group to discover the Pouldu: Grands Sables beach, estuary of the Laïta, Kérou beach, creeks...
  • Improving your skills with a 2 and a half hour trip between Le Pouldu and the port of Doëlan on a gravel track (caves, pass)
  • Kayak hire by prior arrangement for a 15km tour (approx. 3 to 4 hours)

Depending on the tide, departure is either from the Le Pouldu water sports centre or from the Saint-Nicolas meadow, with a transfer to pick up your vehicle.

Carnet de voyage
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